Monday 25 October 2010

The reason why Lara Stone's Calvin Klein Ad Banned In Australia

The Advertising Standards Bureau in Australia has removed the Calvin Klein Jeans campaign ad starring Lara Stone and some hotties after sexual assault workers complained that the image promoted sexual violence.

They said:
"The Board considered that whilst the act depicted could be consensual, the overall impact and most likely takeout is that the scene is suggestive of violence and rape.
The Board considered that the image was demeaning to women by suggesting that she is a plaything of these men. It also demeans men by implying sexualised violence against women.”

Psychologist Alison Grundy added:
"If we continue to subject future generations of young men to great barrages of aggressive, misogynist, over-sexualised and violent imagery in pornography, movies, computer games and advertising, we will continue to see the rates of sexual violence against women and children that continue unabated today. Or worse."


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